Right now we're using infocards on mouseover, which is a fantastic idea for communicating a ton of information to the player at a quick glance.

However, we're also using shortened, or chopped down, inforcards for notable locations and unimproved resources.

While the bones of the beast card isn't too bad, when I look at the lost library card, the very first question which pops into my head is "how much technology?" When we improve the library we do get a much nicer card.

So why can't we have a similar class of card for the unimproved version, which tells us how many tech points the library is worth, and perhaps what city will control it when it's improved.

Similarly, for notable locations, why don't we take advantage of the fact that players are used to looking at the middle of the card for level (as the sovereign) and give it a full-blown card.