Games. Some (American) Politics might slip in from time to time, but definitely games.
Limit Their Number, Make them Improvable, and a constant source of Quests
Published on July 17, 2010 By Sareln In WOM Ideas

Right now we're faced with an awkward problem.  We need to have some way to deliver quests to the player, but our current system clutters the map pretty badly.  I've attached some examples of such clutter below.

Many Huts

Many Huts 2

Beyond just the cluttering problem, we also need to figure out a good way to introduce new quest givers to the player without breaking immersion (oh hey, a new inn just appeared, you should go visit it!).  To this end, I would suggest a few changes that make inns act in a similar manner to resources.

  1. Inns should only spawn at world spawn
  2. Inns can be improved/co-opted by players
  3. Inns should support multiple quests
  4. Inns should periodically gain more quests

I will go through each point step by step.

Inns should only spawn at world spawn:

I find that it breaks my immersion to have new inns and quest points appear out of thin air auto-magically from time to time.  I would prefer then that Inns only spawn once.  This enables us to control how inns appear on the map through the map generation code, which should also help take care of the clustering problem that I've shown in the above screenshots.

Inns can be improved/co-opted by players:

It's a little weird that new inns are springing up in my "territory" but I don't control them in any manner.  Since inns are going to be much rarer (and support multiple quests), why not let the player improve them like other resources for some bonus in prestige/gold.  This lets the player integrate the "quest giver" into their empire.  Additionally, I would like it if Inns could act as connection points for roads and caravans - so a player can send caravans to an inn, and then onward to another city.  This helps establish the view of the inn as a "halfway house".

Inns should support multiple quests:

How often is there only one quest at the quest hub in an RPG?  I think it would be useful for players to be able to visit inns and choose amongst quests that they can undertake.  There would need to be either a popup or some sort of graphical demonstration that an inn had quests which could be activated.  This also lets us show the player quests that they cannot take yet due to adventure level, encouraging them to raise their adventuring level.  I am envisioning the inn as a place where people from the kingdom can bring problems which don't necessarily require sovereign level intervention to solve.

Inns should periodically gain more quests:

Not everyone knows that they have a problem immediately, and some people take a long time to go looking for help.  I think it would be cool if inns provided a semi-steady stream of quests for adventurers and sovereigns to take.  Once again, I view the inn as a place where people come with problems to be solved.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 19, 2010

Yea ... insta-spawning and disappearing "Cities basically" is kinda lame

which is why they should be permanent


Why do I say cities? Places where humans eat, drink, breed ... basically where they live. So its a Camp, a Town, or an Inn ... its civilization. Its a permanent fixture of human interaction.

on Jul 19, 2010

I like the idea a lot. We wouldn't be able to do this for 1.0 or even 1.1 but someday in the future we could look at this.

on Jul 19, 2010

Ive been thinking basically the same things for awhile. Glad i finally found a post on it. 

on Jul 19, 2010

I like the idea a lot. We wouldn't be able to do this for 1.0 or even 1.1 but someday in the future we could look at this.

frogger, I would like this as soon as practical(possible)


on Jul 19, 2010

I like the idea a lot. We wouldn't be able to do this for 1.0 or even 1.1 but someday in the future we could look at this.

This topic unfortunately is not new. We have been suggesting Inn improvements for awhile.

Can we atleast have better Inn spawns as seen in the above pics? And can't you atleast stop the disappearing/appearing Inn tricks? Some basic tweaks could be made.

I have stated my distaste with inns long ago. To me they are just simple quest hubs. Why not remove them completely and replace with an advisor that offers quests. I think it silly the majority of quests have to be initiated by finding a dang inn especially when you are on the other side of the map of one. Guess that is why they spawn all over the place.

I say if you go down the adventuring path you get offered quests and you can immediately accept or turn them down. No need for inns. Inns serve no purpose. Other way to get quests should be to explore the world - not exploring inns. I say either do something substantial with inns or remove them. But that is just me.

on Jul 19, 2010

At least far less Inn crowding for 1.0 plz


But yea, I'd like to see this overall idea implemented in an Expansion

on Jul 20, 2010

Some great ideas here, it's really too bad that it won't be in the game for a while. It would certainly help with changing reviews from 'the quest system is a bit wonky' to 'the quest system is well thought out'.

on Jul 20, 2010

I like the idea a lot. We wouldn't be able to do this for 1.0 or even 1.1 but someday in the future we could look at this.

Im very glad you think so too Brad.

As far as the current system. I think a quick cosmetic change would do wonders. Instead of inns as the quest starter, have fire camps of wondering travelers, temporary makeshift settlements, a broken down caravan/injured person in need of assistance.  Just so it makes more flavor sense why they pop up out of nowhere. I would also have less of them per area (for less clutter), a have old quest hubs disappear after a while. Heck, once the mod tools come out, Im sure people will make these for you (more then you'll ever want ; ) ). This still doesn't address temples and other 'quest enders' popping out of nowhere, but its a good start I think.

on Jul 20, 2010

I like the idea of Inns not dissapearing, it would make them more valuable since you would want to control the output of quests from a given Inn. I would also like to expand on this idea by saying that Inns could work like the current Shops in our cities. You step on top of the Inn and in your action bar get a "Enter Inn" button which if you press, opens up a screen showing the inside of the Inn. There you could see a bartender and shady looking characters that if you mouse over them displays a quest which you could choose or just ignore. These characters could change with time or after you do the previous quests or just by researching in the adventure tree.

I love how the shops where you buy items work, and I love how it has its own music and doing something similar with the inns would be just going along the theme that has been set in the game already.

It could also be old school like this screenshot of some random game I googled up (I think its New Horizons for the SNES omg i loved that game).

Edit: Forgot to say that when you are standing on top of the Inn, you could also get a "Rest at the Inn" option for some cash or free idk

on Jul 20, 2010

hehe, rest at Inn (costs gold, refills HP and Mana)

on Jul 20, 2010

the pic looks like the bar in leasuresuit larry 1



on Sep 05, 2010

Bumping this thread, I really like this idea and even Frogboy liked it Although I'm aware that the team is currently focused on fixing a bunch of issues I thought it was worth it to remind you guys of this concept which I think could be really cool!

Also I really would like if the Inns were made similar to how the Shops work for champions, it would add more depth to the RPG side of elemental . I found some screenshots that better represent my suggestion in the first page:

You could make it so when you stepped on an inn you got a screen like this populated with NPCs that gave you quests, or champions for hire. Note that I got that screenshot from a google search just to set an example of my suggestion, I take no credit for that cool looking tavern .


on Sep 05, 2010

Over all, I've had similar thoughts and wonder why an inn doesn't become part of the empire when your ZoC surrounds it.  Couple of things I don't get though is why are there inns in the wilderness to begine with?  There are zero cities.  There are no roads and I don't even see trails.  Any thing not part of your Empire is full of monsters and thieves. 

Also, thieves and monster groups can destroy our towns willy-nilly if we don't defend them.  How would any inn out there survive let alone find clientele?  Where do they get their ale and bread?  We are supposed to have trouble feeding our own town for crying out loud and need a, "fertile land tile," to build farms.

From my perspective, they could keep the basic functionality of inns with some of the improvements suggested, use the inn or pub we build for I can't understand why these inns are popping up in hostile, uninhabited areas where there is no food or other resources.  For that matter, if there are resources why can't my town use them too?

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