This was originally going to be a series of forum posts, but when I started writing, the thing took on a life of its own. It has made a wonderful procrastination tool, though I guess it should see the light of day before Beta2 starts. With that said, this is not a comprehensive analysis, and is mostly focused on the underlying system and the philosophy behind the technology system.
There are definitely ideas that I have not addressed, technology replication over categories, technology which exists in multiple tech categories, and ideas on just how many inventions should be attached to each category definitely come to mind. Maybe they'll get their own threads.
I used the MSOffice suite to do most of my diagrams, if you want a base to do your own diagramming ask!
This is long. 18 pages and 4,700 words, though there are pretty pictures. I tried to keep it easy to follow and accessible, but for some of our non-native English speakers it may be a touch heavy. Apologies in advance.
Link to PDF
Edit: I am proofreading this next version, but here's a prelim. Made stronger connection between problems and goals, fleshed out more examples in Appendix A, defined Pulses and Cores, added what I learned from the XML. I will continue my naming convention of picking random numbers over 1.0 now.
Some people were having trouble getting the link to work, but it seems to be working for me.
Link to PDF v1.75
Here is the final proofread version. I think I'm done with this now, and am looking forward to giving Beta2 a similar treatment! Let's keep brainstorming/thinking about how we want the tech system to look.
Link to PDF vFinal
Executive Summary
This analysis argues that the current technology system used in Elemental fails to achieve or adequately support certain gameplay goals. These goals derived from developer interviews, press releases, and forum posts, are: to enable a variety of starting strategies, create space for players to generalize or specialize their factions, and to nurture a pervasive sense of exploration and discovery. These goals are hindered by certain traits of the current system, namely: the heavy use of unexposed inter-technology prerequisites, the fast growth of available technologies, and the current implementation of random technology access. I offer a tweaked technology system which makes several changes: a dramatic reduction in the number of inter-technology prerequisites, the introduction of cross-category prerequisites, a method for clearly indicating prerequisites when they exist, a more gradual introduction of available technologies, a pseudo-soft tier system for tech categories, and a promise to never deny the player something he has seen. Additional solutions were considered in Appendix A, and an interesting discussion of MoO2's technology system is presented in the linked 3 Moves Ahead episode in Appendix B.
Addendum: For some strange reason my laptop did not have the CoreTech and CoreTechTree XML files on it, and I didn't think to realize that they might be on my desktop (since I have beta 1Z installed on two computers). Therefore, this analysis was performed without exact knowledge of the Tech situation. Having looked briefly over the tech XML files, I am still convinced that most of this analysis is still useful.
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Link to PDF v1.75
Link to PDF vFinal